New Year, New You: A Light-Hearted Take on Health and Fitness in 2024
The Great Kale Debate of 2024
Welcome to 2024, Medford, OR! Here at Century Property Management Services, LLC, we can't help but notice the kale craze! Is it a superfood, a garnish, or just a really tough lettuce? While we may not have the answer, we do know that eating greens (even if they're not kale) can be a step towards better health. And let's be honest, it's a great excuse to feel smugly superior at dinner parties.
Need insurance advice that's easier to swallow than kale? Call us at 541-772-3822!
2024: The Year of the Yoga Mat
Yoga mats are rolling out everywhere! Whether you're doing a downward dog or just lying down and hoping for the best, yoga is a great way to stay flexible (both in body and schedule). Remember, there's no shame in being a yoga newbie – everyone's a pretzel-in-progress!
Curious about insurance options for the not-so-bendy? Give us a call at 541-772-3822.
The Fitness Tracker: Friend or Foe?
In 2024, fitness trackers are all the rage. They're like tiny personal trainers on your wrist (but with less yelling). They count your steps, monitor your sleep, and gently judge you when you reach for that second piece of cake. But remember, the goal is to be healthier, not to obsess over numbers – unless it's your insurance savings!
Gym Memberships: The Ultimate Relationship Test
2024 is the year you finally use that gym membership (or at least stop feeling guilty about not using it). It's like a relationship – starts with enthusiasm, faces a bit of neglect, but always there waiting for you. And just like a good insurance policy, it's there when you need it – no judgement, just support.
For a less complicated relationship, call 541-772-3822 for your insurance needs!